
We usually request 2 nights lodging, commonly Saturday and Sunday nights for a weekend concert. We are open to most types of housing. We have done well in host families, often someone in the "empty nest" stage of life, has plenty of room to share. If the parish owns a rectory or convent that has available space, we are happy to occupy that as well. (Keep in mind that the band is minors, so this option is best if it is otherwise unoccupied). Hotels or AirBnB are other good options

*Note for Concerts July 14- Aug 14 - We will require lodging for 7 people in 5 beds. We realize this is a more difficult ask and are working with retreat centers to accommodate as many dates as possible. If host families are used, it is OK to divide the group between host families. The divide would be 3 men (2 beds) and 4 women (3 beds).


Please provide one meal for the band. This should be served on-site 1 hour prior to evening concert start time. It is encouraged that our host join us for this meal. It is also appropriate to invite any volunteers who may be present at that time. The meal may be home-made, restaurant, or pre-packaged. There is usually not time to go to a restaurant unless we have set-up earlier in the day. 

We have no true dietary restrictions or allergies. As a family we try to avoid meat on Fridays and we try to lean toward healthier options when possible. We like to try local favorites. Water is an appropriate drink before the concert.

It is appreciated if there are bottles of water on stage for the concert.