
welcome our Summer missionaries!

Anya, 23, is a teacher’s aide and assistant choir director in Ventura, CA. She plays piano and violin and has an amazing testimony!

Brody, 19, has spent the past year leading retreats while on tour with N.E.T. Ministries. He plays drums and guitar and is excited to combine his experience in ministry with his love for music!

Emily, 18, has been involved in ministry as long as she can remember. She is artistic, outgoing, and has a contagious love for people!

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Looking for a way to bring families together at your CHURCH?

Consider an concert event with the Mette Family Band, MJM7. The concert creates a bridge from the ordinary to the extraordinary, building on the richness of the Catholic faith. The Mette's gifts of music, joy, & family life offer the boldness and innocence of youth with the wisdom and depth of lived experiences. The concert empowers all ages to pray more fully and worship more freely. The events fall somewhere between a rock concert and a parish mission, with vibrant lights, powerful music, faith sharing, and an invitation to prayer. The music is uplifting without being preachy, creating an environment that is engaging without being confrontational. Your church will feel the difference!

The concerts

Hosting a concert is easy.  We bring all of our own lights, instruments, and sound equipment. Over the years, the Mette family has travelled to 44 of the 50 states and played over 350 events. The concert is performed by family members, delivering a big show with little overhead.  We provide tools for promotion, including announcements, flyers & posters to help get the word out.  

The Cost

This is the best part... we try to perform AT NO DIRECT COST TO THE PARISH, opting to take up a free-will donation to cover our expenses. We have embraced this model to fund our missionary lifestyle over the past 5 years and God has blessed our efforts abundantly! 

“Michael is both professional and deeply spiritual. He worked with nearly thirty priests each summer, and each commented on how rich the beauty and participation was in our singing under his leadership.”

Dcn. Dana Nearmeyer, Director of Evangelization Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas

“Michael’s concerts are a great opportunity to bring together the whole community without barriers... it appeals to both Anglo and Hispanic communities. It’s an event where everyone can join together to praise and worship the Lord through the universal language of music.”

Fr. Ivan Ascencio, Pastoral Administrator, St. Joseph Waxahachie, TX

“Michael and his family are the real deal! Their music and testimonies reach out to people of all ages and those in different places on their spiritual journey.”

Sara Ragan, Youth Director, St. Patrick's Gainsville, FL

“I know our parish was meaningfully touched by your performance … This is the first time at a parish social that I sat for 90 minutes relaxing, prayerfully immersed in your singing. 

Thank you for showing such great Christian values and faith and let us do everything for the greater glory and God and the salvation of souls!”

Fr. Denzil Vithanage, Pastor, Our Lady of Victory, Paris, TX

“I have been to concerts at big venues for people that normally play on the secular radio and I still liked your concert more.  God was putting it on my heart to tell you that your concert is the best because it is worshipping God and because your family seems so passionate about loving each other and God.”

Marcos - Concert Attendee, St. Brigid, San Antonio, TX



Find us on Spotify, Apple Music, or YouTube searching "Michael James Mette".  

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Listen now on your favorite streaming service. 🎧🔥🚀 Powered by Songlink, an automated service helping artists and fans to share music across all platforms.


Contact Us

To learn more about hosting a concert or other services we offer to your church, complete the form below.  Please specify if you are interested in a parish concert or other event (Confirmation Retreat, Youth Rally, Keynote / Workshop speaker).

We typically respond within 24 hours to all emails.