“The highlight for me was meeting tons of new people, experiencing how they live out their faith, and learning about what truly challenges me in my own spiritual life. My energy and ability to live in the moment was especially challenged with all the traveling and learning the show.”
Emily Robeson - 2024 Summer Missionary
“Joining MJM7 as a missionary was a beautiful gift because of the incredible impact the Mette family has made on my life by enhancing my prayer life from the first time I saw them in concert.”
Anya Kewley - 2024 Summer Missionary
“I had the most memorable summer playing, praying and rocking out with MJM7! It really opened the door for me to look at my music as a median for God to enter another life.”
Brody Nations - 2024 Summer Missionary
“My best memories in the missionary program were with my fellow band mates, we got to talk about anything and everything. We got to joke around, work together, and have deep conversations hours into the night. Hearing them talk about their own spiritual lives helped me to grow in my own.”
Charity Mette - 2024 Summer Missionary Tour
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To learn more about hosting a concert or other services we offer to your church, complete the form below. Please specify if you are interested in a parish concert or other event (Confirmation Retreat, Youth Rally, Keynote / Workshop speaker).
We typically respond within 24 hours to all emails.
100% of your donation goes to fund Mette Family Ministries, a tax deductible 501(c)3 ministry, EIN 82-2685166. Thank you for your generous support.